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Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Steering Committee/2010-12-16

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Wikipedia Ambassador Steering Committee

9:45-10:20 EST, 2010-12-16
Convened on Skype (the new version of which allows video chat with groups).

This short meeting simply consisted of updates on the recruitment of ambassadors.

Members present
  • Sage Ross
  • Alex Stinson
  • Cheryl Moy
  • Annie Lin
  • Fletcher Commons
  • PJ Tabit


  • Alex
    • JMU and Western Carolina have enough ambassadors.
    • Potential ambassadors from Montgomery, AL (who may help with Troy), University of Maryland, and Georgetown
  • Annie
    • UC Berkeley has a surplus of potential ambassadors. Berkeley folks may help out in San Francisco
    • Southern California (San Diego) may fall through in terms of both faculty and ambassadors.
    • Montana has two applicants; both are good, but we'd like more diversity, e.g., a staff member who has more availability and more connection to the student population, if possible.
  • Sage
    • Fill in/interviewing for those schools w/o profs
    • Screened montana potential CA
    • starting to focus on OA
      • high end: 125 OA
    • OA selection team is now active
      • focus on those who have reviewing articles experience
  • Fletcher
    • Syracuse seems good (2 returning, 1 new ambassador)
    • Troy seems OK, although maybe one more might be good? b/c Montgomery is a little farther away.
    • LSU needs some (unknown #?) but Annie is going there (or already went?)
    • Contacted some potential ambassadors by email
  • PJ
    • Heard from no applicants from the Houston area, just a few talk page responses. PJ will follow up again with those who expressed interest but didn't send in applications.
    • Several Boston area applicants, which look strong.
    • Georgetown seems to be in good shape as well.
  • Cheryl
    • Accepted 2 for Michigan State University, several more under consideration
    • Indiana hasn't been a problem since we have returning ambassadors, and ambassadors there have recruited some new potential ambassadors
  • Regional trainings: the dates and locations of each of the regional trainings are now set:
    • West region in San Francisco: Jan 7-8, led by PJ and Rod Dunican
    • DC area: Jan 8-9, led by Rob and Annie (Adam is a maybe)
    • Northeast region in NYC: Jan 11-12, led by Dominic and Gabriel (Annie observing)
    • South region in Baton Rouge: Jan 13-14, led by Annie and Rod Dunican
    • Midwest region in Indianapolis: Jan 15-16, led by Chanitra and Rod Dunican
  • We can put the word out now for local Wikipedians near each of the trainings, without it being necessary for there to be public policy professors to pair them with.