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Triton Ocean World Surveyor is a concept to visit Neptune and it's largest moon Triton through an orbiter.[1] It would fly by potentially Mars, and Jupiter, Taking 16 years to reach Neptune before entering a 4 year mission orbiting Neptune, Taking around 40 flybys of Triton in the process. It was included in the Planetary Decadal Survey's New Frontiers Program, for consideration on New Frontiers 7.[2]


Triton is the largest moon of Neptune and was only visited once in 1989 by Voyager 2. It discovered notable features like a atmosphere and cryovolcanism. Notably as well, Plumes similarly to Enceladus' were found, hinting at a possible subsurface ocean.[3] This caused heavy scientific interest into Triton, and many missions were proposed.

Mission Overview[edit]

Triton Ocean World Surveyor would launch in 2031-2032. A 2031 launch date would allow a flyby of Mars. Either way, It'd fly by Jupiter, before going into a 14 year long cruise period to Neptune. Once it reaches Neptune, It'd enter orbit for 3-4 years doing 30-40 flybys of Triton, Studying it's properties such as verifying if it's an Ocean World, before either being retired by impact into Neptune or using Triton to fling itself outward into the Kuiper Belt.

Mission Goals[edit]

  • Determine whether Triton is an ocean world, ascertain its interior structure, and decide whether Triton’s ice shell is in hydrostatic equilibrium and de-coupled from the interior.
  • Characterize Triton’s surface composition and geology, and look for changes, including plumes and their composition.
  • Determine the nature of the moonmagnetosphere interaction at Triton.
  • Determine the composition, density, temperature, pressure, and spatial/temporal variability of Triton’s atmosphere.

See Also[edit]